Basics in participation ^^^
The basic information to participate in the Anime Friend Co. official project..
Anime Friend Co. is a community roleplaying and personal storytelling project with several aspects to participate in! Here I will explain in what ways you can participate in the project, and how to do so! First of all, I will explain how to become a part of Anime Friend Co.
Step one: How do I become a member? First of all you will have to make an employee or reactivate an old employee if you were a part on the project before. You can do so by following the steps at the Hiring page.
Step two: I did that.. Now what? Well, as long as you have sent in your applications you should appear on the Members page eventually! You may wonder whether you'll have to wait for me to approve your application to participate in the following steps, and the answer is no! As long as the application has the information asked on it, you're all set to participate!
Number 01: Working, an art-oriented approach. The way the video explains in full! You draw prompts from the Work page and send them in for "Money". With this money you can purchase project-related items, An Icon for the project database, Anime friends for yourself, et cetera! There is also the option to Fund Anime Friend Co. and recieve coupons to make your next purchase cheaper, or purchase a task of your own to potentially increase the money you gain dependent on how much the community draws your prompt. These purchases are mostly for the "Roleplay" aspect of the project
Number 02: Community interaction and roleplay. A more community-driven approach, interact with the other people a part from the project by roleplaying, thinking about how your characters may interact and more! You can find Roleplay accounts on Instagram in the Members page or by looking at the Anime Friend Co. Account's following. But it is better to join the Discord Server where you can stay up to date with project activities and have more direct contact with Anime Friend Co. members!
Number 03: Story experiencing. Anime Friend Co. will carry an official storyline to keep track of! Some aspects will need a bit of searching, whilst others will be presented in plain sight overtime. Spend time and be patient trying to find aspects of the story and uncover information overtime!
No matter the ways you'd prefer to participate, everyone is welcome in the community and I'd be happy to have you join as well!
Do I have to be active to keep an active Anime Friend Account?
Not at all! There will be an occasional Job reapplication phase every few months to clear out inactive members in the Members page and reduce lag, however you can always reapply and sit back and do nothing until the next reapplication!
Why isn't my Job application, task etc. approved yet?
I am just one person, and this is a secondary project. I will try and maintain it once a month minimum! If you are concerned I missed out on anything you sent, be sure to check the latest update date before contacting me!
What does "OOC" mean?
It means Out Of Character! Meaning I am not roleplaying with any of my characters when I write anything down after it.