[OOC] Tasks are a way to make money within Anime Friend Co. "Money" can be used to buy things from the shop or make your way up the leaderboard and become employee of the month.
Employee of the month receives $5.00 every month as long as they remain on top.
The amount of money presented on the tasks is the minimum, depending on the effort put into the task the paycheck will be higher.
If you decide to draw another Anime Friend Co. Employee supporting with the given request they will receive the original amount of money the task would give.
You are allowed to do the same task multiple times if so desired!
Once done, click the button below
Task paycheck calculations:
Lines: Low Effort +0% High effort +50%
Colouring: Low Effort +50% High effort +100%
Shading: Low Effort +50% High effort +100%
Background: Low Effort +50% High effort +100%
High detail work: +200%
Anime friend: +$1.00
Extra employee: Doubles total percentage
0-5 frames Doubles calculations
5-10 frames Triples calculations
Et cetera.
0-1000 words +300%
1000-1500 words +400%
1500-2000 words +500%
Such as: sculptures, cosplay,
plush-making et cetera..
Low effort +%500
High effort +%1000
Supporting employee:
Receives original task money